The Supreme Court’s Landmark Ruling on Capital Punishment for Juveniles: A Step Towards Justice

In the realm of legal jurisprudence, few issues carry the weight and moral complexity as capital punishment, particularly when it involves juvenile offenders. The United States Supreme Court, as the highest judicial body in the land, often finds itself at the epicenter of debates surrounding the constitutionality of such penalties. In a landmark ruling, the…

Intoxication Charges are Not Just for Drivers

Everyone has at least heard about driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence. You drink alcohol – or, these days, smoke marijuana or take other drugs – you drive your car and get pulled over by the police, you get charged with driving while intoxicated, which is what Texas calls all charges related to…

Not All Felonies are Created Equal

Every state has various degrees of criminal charges. That includes felonies. In most states, there are three degrees of felonies – first-, second-, and third-degree. First-degree felonies are the worst crimes and carry the most severe punishments. Texas has a category of felonies that is a little unusual, however. The Texas criminal code includes crimes…