If You are Facing Federal Charges, You Need a Lawyer

Federal criminal charges cover a lot more area than they used to. In the early days of the republic, there were few federal criminal charges. After the ratification of the Constitution, Congress passed a law creating a total of 17 federal crimes. These included treason, forgery of federal documents, and murder within a federal facility, […]

Wire Fraud is a Federal Crime

While Texas has a fraud statute, it does not cover wire fraud. No state has a wire fraud statute – the crime is strictly under federal jurisdiction. Wire fraud crimes are investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, sometimes with assistance from the Secret Service, and the charges that are brought against those suspected of […]

Avoid Federal Charges When Protesting

Over the past year or so, a lot of people in a lot of places have been protesting about a lot of things. Those protests have been described as “mostly peaceful,” but some of those protests have included violence. Much of that violence resulted in federal charges. In Portland, OR, where protests went on nightly […]

Federal Drug Charges? You Could be in Big Trouble

Most drug-related charges are state crimes. Different states treat such crimes differently. Penalties can be steep, but the trend is in the other direction as it pertains to relatively minor drug charges, which many states are decriminalizing. Federal drug charges, however, are an entirely different ball game. Almost all federal drug trafficking charges carry jail […]