What is the DIVERT Program for Texas DWI Cases?

The idea that the justice system should aim to rehabilitate people who have committed criminal offenses instead of simply punishing them is not new, but in recent years, it has seen more and more applications in criminal cases related to the misuse of alcohol and drugs. Some states have drug courts, where people who have […]

Defendants in Texas: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Due process. A jury of one’s peers. The right to remain silent. Reasonable doubt. You have probably heard all of these phrases before, either many years ago in civics class, or else in pop culture (Reasonable Doubt happens to be the name of Jay-Z’s debut album), you probably have not thought much about what they […]

Texas Cannabis Laws: What is Legal, and How Does it Affect DWI?

Even though cannabis laws have become at least a little bit more lenient in all 50 states, Texas still has some of the strictest cannabis laws in the country. Especially compared to Colorado and California, both of which happen to be within road-trip distance of Texas, the Lone Star State is about as 420-unfriendly as […]

Recovered Memories are Not Sufficient Proof of Sexual Assault in Texas

The movie Doubt is best remembered for its star performances by Viola Davis, the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Meryl Streep, but its character-driven drama hinges on the challenges of establishing certainty regarding accusations of sexual assault. Hoffman plays a priest who teaches at a Catholic school, and he becomes the subject of suspicions about […]

The Rise and Fall of Tobechi Onwuhara, the Texas Ringleader of a Massive Identity Theft Operation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Most people who use the Internet for financial transactions, and that includes almost anyone with reliable Internet access, are careful to protect themselves from identity theft. Over the years, banks and businesses have gotten better at stopping fraudulent transactions before they begin, and potential identity thieves have to work harder and harder to get access […]

Fraud Victim? 6 Identity Theft Solutions Everyone Should Know

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Has your identity been stolen? 15 million consumers suffered identity theft in 2016 alone. That amounts to 1 in every 16 U.S. adults! To protect yourself, you need to know the signs of identity theft. Once you identify that you might be a victim, it’s vital to know what steps to take. The faster you implement these […]

Why Expunction Of Your Criminal Record Matters

If you have been arrested on criminal charges, the record of that arrest can follow you throughout your life. It can cause you serious problems in the job and housing market unless you take steps to get its record removed. Expunction is one way to help you move on with your life. If you qualify, […]

When Is DWI A Felony In Texas?

When being charged with DWI it’s important to know what exactly that means under Texas law. All states have laws prohibiting and punishing DWIs, however, each state has their own legal definition and ways they are handled within by the courts. For instance, the first offense of DWI is a misdemeanor. But, it is possible […]