Robbery Charges in Texas are Serious

If you have been charged with robbery – and robbery might not be the greatest idea given the high rate of gun ownership in Texas and the relative ease with which a license to carry can be obtained in the state – you must be asking yourself, now what? Robberies in Texas have been declining […]

Sexual Assault Charges in Texas are Serious

If you have been charged with sexual assault in Texas, you could be in a world of trouble. Texas law takes sexual assault seriously and provides for penalties that reflect that. Sexual assault in Texas is always a felony. Depending upon what class of felony you are charged with, you could be looking at up […]

Federal Drug Charges? You Could be in Big Trouble

Most drug-related charges are state crimes. Different states treat such crimes differently. Penalties can be steep, but the trend is in the other direction as it pertains to relatively minor drug charges, which many states are decriminalizing. Federal drug charges, however, are an entirely different ball game. Almost all federal drug trafficking charges carry jail […]

Drunk Driving is a Big Problem, But You Still Have Rights

In 2019, there were 2,436 alcohol-related traffic accidents in Houston. In those traffic accidents, there were 73 deaths and an estimated 730 injuries. Houston is the most populous city in Texas, but no other municipality even came close in terms of alcohol-related traffic fatalities, accidents, or injuries. San Antonio, the second-largest municipality in the state […]

Internet Sex Crimes

internet sex crimes

The internet is a potent tool that changed the face of the world and our culture a thousand times over. Within the internet are countless tools for learning, ways to communicate and share, but also many different kinds of dangers. Sex crimes are not a new idea, but internet sex crimes add a wide net of concerns […]

Online Solicitation of a Minor Criminal Defense in Texas

Minor criminal defense

Are you facing charges for the solicitation of a minor? If so, you need to know your legal rights. The best way to protect yourself is to find the best legal option for solicitation of a minor criminal defense. What is the solicitation of a minor, what are some common legal arguments that can work, […]

Improper Relationship between Teacher and Student

relationship between teacher and student

Teachers play a special role in the lives of young people and must be vigilant when dealing with students to never create suspicion of any wrongdoing. Some states have even banned teacher-student Facebook interactions. A positive teacher-student relationship can help a young person develop intellectual curiosity and a passion for learning, but a negative relationship […]

Federal Criminal Charges Defense

criminal charges

A federal agent wants to speak to you. Uh oh. That can’t be good. Whether you’re knowingly involved in a federal case or an agent’s visit has taken you by surprise, it’s time to seek counsel. Federal cases are vastly different from the state. If your name pops up in a federal investigation, you’ll need […]

Child Pornography Defense

Child pornography defense

    Getting caught with (or producing) child pornography in Texas and elsewhere in the U.S. is a very serious crime. Depending on the particulars of the case, it can be a first-class felony that can land you in jail for 5 years to life.  You may or may not have intentionally been in possession […]